Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) is sound field modification, particularly sound field cancellation, by electro-acoustical means. In its simplest form, a control system drives a speaker to produce a sound field that is an exact mirror-image of the offending sound (the "disturbance"). The speaker thus "cancels" the disturbance, and the net result is no sound at all. Panphonics can demonstrate up to 18 dB attenuation online and wide band.
The name Active Noise Cancellation differentiates "active" from traditional "passive" methods for controlling unwanted sound and vibration. Passive noise control treatments include insulation, silencers, vibration mounts, damping treatments, absorptive treatments such as ceiling tiles, and conventional mufflers like the ones used in today's automobiles. Passive treatments can be bulky and heavy when used for low frequencies. The size and mass of passive treatments usually depend on the acoustic wavelength, making them thicker and more massive for lower frequencies.
Active Noise Cancellation using Panphonics elements shows great promise in a number of different applications including cars and airplanes, homes, conference rooms, industrial machinery enclosures and ventilation systems.