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Panphonics USA | 2709 Electronic Lane | Dallas, TX 75220 | USA
tel.  888-228-1911  | fax. 214-366-6586

Use cases

Panphonics directional sound technology is used to manufacture high-quality and high-directivity speaker elements. The technology is ideal in audio applications which require focused, high quality sound over long distances with an even sound volume level.

Our technology provides unique advantages over conventional audio technology in a wide variety of applications. Therefore in order to facilitate maximal penetration for the technology, we do not manufacture end-user products, but we have positioned ourselves as a component manufacturer and technology provider for application developers and audio technology manufacturers.

Areas in which the technology has shown the most potential so far include in-store media systems, vehicles and transportation, privacy solutions with sound masking, audio screens, audio advertisements and info billboards, public address systems, audio ceilings and walls and museum installations.